
Art & Design by Night-Anders on DA 

⚖ Name; Stigllphufenn, Stigley for short

⚖ Gender: Male

⚖ Species: Closet Monster

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Shy ⚖ Gentle ⚖  Loner

⚖Shy; Stigley is very shy and prefers to stay in the background, out of the way. Keeping his distance has sharpened his hearing; he pays attention to what's go on around him.

⚖Gentle; He has a gentle heart and shows compasion 
for those who needs it. He has a mild and 
kindly nature to those around him, except the nightmares!

Loner; He is a loner, as he doesn't communicate well with others he prefers to simply be left on his own. He is really misunderstood, he's not a vicious monster like most think.

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 Some side notes about his design

- He is based of the following animals;

Tiger, head/mane

Bear, front legs/belly

Elephant, belly/back legs

Porcupine, tail

- He's able to make his horn glow, both while feeding on nightmares and when he simply feels the need to lighting up a dark room.

- His ears has mutations on them, so it looks like he has three ears on each side. He dosen't actually have three functional ears on each side, only one. They flex open and closed.

- His mane/tale is striped (might be hard to see)

- He has a underbite.

Stigley is a closet monster... Every night he opens portals to our world though the closets of the children's bedrooms. He enters their rooms and eats their nightmares, replacing them with good dreams. Few children, though, managed to wake up during a visit of his and catch a glimpse of him. With this they panicked and the legend of the closet monster began... 

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