
  Design by tatchit on DA (

⚖ Name; Nanook

⚖ Gender: Male

⚖ Sexual orientation: Hetrosexual

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Strong⚖ Fearless ⚖ Loyal ⚖ Lonely ⚖ Wise

⚖Stong; Not only is he strong in body but also in mind. He can endure a lot of pressure, without 
getting too stressed out. Finding strength in helping others.

⚖Fearless;  Nanook is rather fearless and do not fear many things. He wouldn't think twice before entering a 
dangerous situation. He is not foolhardy, but he doesn't think he can take damage considering his physique and speed. 

⚖Loyal; He is very loyal to those he find trustworthy. Once you've earnd his trus he will not 
let you down and will stick with you through thick and thin.

⚖Lonely; Although he is kind and wise people tend to avoid him due to his harsh appearance. 
And cause of that he's always trying to avoid people so he won't get judged by his looks.

⚖Wise; He is very wise and loves to share his knowledge with others. Since no one 
knows how old he is they all asume that he lived for a very long time and have read alot 
of books with many different subjects.

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