
Always drawn with the jelly fishes!

⚖ Makoatl name: Hagan
⚖ Name meaning: 
"Strong defense."

⚖ Gender: 
⚖ Sexual orientation: 

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selfish ⚖ cold-hearted ⚖ strong ⚖ determined ⚖ straight forward ⚖ brutally honest

⚖Selfish: During his younger years he learned to put his own needs before everyone else’s. Due to the harsh conditions of the city Hagan would easily have died if he had not acted so ungenerously. He never outgrew the trait; still being the selfish individual that the streets had made him out to be.

⚖Cold-hearted: Since his mother died giving birth to him, he never received the motherly love that can melt the most frozen heart. Starting his life without this warmth, Hagan could do little to see the beauty in the world. The only thing that kept him going was his will to survive.

⚖Determined: He never wanted to give up; he had been born with an iron will. His instincts’ told him to survive, and stubborn as he is he'd make damn sure that he would. It’s what has kept him alive through everything.

⚖Straight-forward: His selfish ways have made him into a loner, only associating himself with others when he wants to be deceptive. And thus he never learned any social norms, making him unable to realize when to tell a white lie to spare someone’s feelings.

⚖Brutally honest: Hagan always speaks his mind, no matter how hurting it could be to others. If he sees something as bad or wrong he’ll utterly dissect it with arguments.

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Even though you might never have seen Calvor, you surely must have heard tales of it. The greatest industrial city before the revolution. A proof of human talent and work ethic. Unfortunately the city fell into ruin during the long years of revolution and what remains to this day is nothing but a shell.

It is in this city that one individual, that would one day grow up to be Hagan was born. He was born in the streets, where he lived, his sole goal being to hunt and survive during his entire adolescence. It wasn't until he was already an adult that he was given a name.

His mother passed while giving birth to him and so Hagan was never given a name, he never took one either since he believed it would define him. He did not want to be defined, he knew what he was. A shadow, a nobody, no one would want him and nor did he need anyone.

He had learned to take care of himself since his birth, he even fed on his mother to survive the first two weeks of his life. He knew he should feel bad about eating his own mother, but he did not feel any connection to her.

Hagan made a living for himself in the dark alleys, eating whatever food he could find. He had always been small and scrawny; and the food he found did not help with his physique.

Being in the position that he was during his childhood, he was forced to trick and deceive people to get food and shelter. He always hoped that his fortune would turn at some point, so he started noting what he stole and from whom he had stolen it from. His intentions were to pay it back at some point.

However his moral condition did not improve for many years. When he finally reached adulthood he was in even worse condition then only a few years prior. Life had gotten harder, much harder. It was on one of these days when he had nearly given up all hope of surviving past his 20s that he was snatched from the streets.

He did not know by whom or why, only that he had been taken. He was knocked out when he was grabbed; and he later awoke in what seemed to be a laboratory of sorts. It seemed like he was in a cage, it was hard to make out. He could only feel the cold steel around in him, since he did not know where he was, he sat there alone in the darkness.

Taking long and deep breaths, trying to figure out where he might be, he would sometimes hear voices echoing through the pitch black existence that had become his life.
“He will do nicely, a gutter rat like him. No one will miss the vile creature”.

Several days passed, he had not had anything to eat. He could feel his strength slipping away; and he felt would not be able to do anything to stop his captors should they decide to do something to him. He could feel his time running out; this was not how he wanted to die. He had yet to live; he had yet to see the world.

Just when he thought his last hours lay before him, they came. Just as he thought, he could not fight back, and they brought him into a big chamber. Full of machines, lights, noises, it hurt his eyes and his ears. The lonely darkness had nearly made him forget what light looked light, and what sound was like.

They sedated him; he slipped in and out of consciousness for what seemed like an eternity. When he finally woke he felt different, he did not know what, but something was different. He tried pushing himself from the floor with his hands, only to realize he did not have hands. When he looked down he saw a pair of big hairy paws.

He did not understand what was going on, he was taken aback. In shock he tried to clear his head, what had happened?

Suddenly he heard voices again; “We’ve done it, and better yet he survived. We can finally move on to the second phase”.

This made no sense at all to him. All he could think was that they had done some sort of experiment on him; there could be no other explanation. He was still trying to wrap his head around his new “hands”, trying to turn his head he heard scraping noises and he felt resistance. But his cheek did not touch the wall, had he grown horns as well? What had they done to him?!

His energy slipped away again, he woke again the next morning. He had a vague memory of someone coming in the night. When he woke he again tried sitting up, this time without any problems. He had hands again; he tried moving his head around. No problems at all, had he dreamt it all?

“Ah your awake I see”.

He tried adjusting his eyes to the light shining in through the window behind the man that had spoken.

“Who are you?” He managed, feeling his ability to vocalize normally slipping away.

“Who I am is irrelevant, who you are on the other hand. That is much more interesting! You are the first of your kind, the very first biologically engineered makoatl.”

Dumfounded he looked at the man.

“Ah let me explain. You have been the first successful attempt in our experiments. We’ve been able to combine your DNA with that of the wild aquan wolf. Turning you into a hybrid, a sentient wolf human. Do you have any idea what this means?”

He could not do anything other than shake his head in disbelief.

“We have decided to name you Hagan, it means “strong defense” we thought it appropriate, it seems it’s what has kept you alive for so long.”

“I doubt you knew this before, but you have been caring a certain antibody. It has helped your body to adapt to your environment. It has also helped your body to manage on the small amounts of nutrition’s that you’ve gotten from your food”.

The man kept on talking for some time, Hagan could feel himself slipping away again.

In the darkness that was his dreams he could feel something boiling up inside of him, with a jolt he woke. Trying to shake the feeling away he realized that he was in chains, it would seem he had grown paws again as well. He knew that he could not remain in this place, not if he wanted answers.

Right in that moment he decided that he needed to escape, mustering all of his strength he started tearing the chains. They snapped, one after another. He was surprised at his own strength; somehow they had made him stronger.

Alarms started going off in the distance, foot steeps approached his location, and there was only one thing on his mind – escape!

Suddenly the door slammed open, a man tried to tackle him to the ground. Hagan quickly moved out of the way, and in pure rage, guided by his instincts he sunk his teeth into his opponents throat. Almost tearing his head clean off.

He could smell the blood; feel the warm tingling sensation as it poured down his throat. His stomach rumbled, they had yet to feed him. He knew he might not have a chance for a meal for some time to come; he tore a large chunk of flesh from the man’s leg, savoring the taste.

More steps echoed in the hallway, letting his senses guide him he quickly started running. Fully aware that they might catch him. The sound of rushing water reached his ears, running towards it he could see a light at the end. Four men appeared before him, turning and shouting towards him, however he knew he could not let them stop him. They raised the guns at him, firing round after round. bullets propelled all around him, but Hagan only had one thing in sight. The light, freedom, and so he kept running through the haze of bullets.

As he reached the first man, he dove for his waist biting down as hard as possible. The man grunted and fell to the ground; by that point Hagan was already at the second and third man. Quickly moving towards them he tackled them, knocking them both off their feet.

With his front paws he stomped down on the second man’s skull, utterly crushing it under his weight. The third man was not so lucky; he tried fighting back with his bare hands. Bad choice, he lost them both. Hagan’s razor sharp teeth tore through the man’s flesh with ease, taking both hands clean off. He then continued to bite down on the man’s throat.

Fueled by the blood thirst he turned his gaze to the last one in the company. He was much bigger than the other three; Hagan knew that the man was no match for him. Charging the man he slammed into him so hard that he could feel the man’s ribcage shatter on impact. The man fell lifeless to the ground, freedom was within Hagan’s grasp at last.

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-Being alone; As he doesn't communicate well with others he prefers to simply be left on his own.

-Wearing the scent of his kill; After having finished a hunt Hagan will often allow himself to smell like the corpse of his prey. This, he feels, is an obvious display of his abilities as a killer and notable adversary.

-Wearing the scent of the shoreline; If not the scent of his kill then Hagan will often use strips of seaweed as not only decor but also tools to help mask his scent. Not only does it help hunt while on land, but it helps to disguise the smells of the city, so he doesn't have to constantly be bothered by the putrid toxins humans have allowed to pollute the air.

-Fresh meat; Though he hadn't enjoyed it as much at first and had a stronger taste for carrion, Hagan now has learned to enjoy fresh meat.

-Quietly enjoying nature; There is little that is more calming to Hagan than basking on a rock and watching the waves pool at the of the beach. He particularly loves watching the ocean when it's raining, so the sound of drops hitting the water can be heard.

-Being male; Silly as it seems, Hagan relishes in the fact he is male and the roles and characteristics that accompany it. He is thankful for not having to give birth, be stereotypically submissive etc.

-Being relied on; Hagan has yet to be put in a situation where others must rely on him for their safety. However cruel and selfish he is, he would hate to have to feel he has to care for anyone other than himself.

-Others venturing into his territory; Naturally being a very territorial male Hagan dislikes anyone who opposes his authority by entering his abode without permission.

-Humans; Hagan became bitter towards humans after the torment he'd been subjected to at their hands, and being the unmerciful character he is he has yet to pardon them for their crimes.

-Pollution; He is unable to tolerate the hackle raising scents human factories produce. He's come to associate the scents of gasoline and anything horrid really, with humans.

-Preachers; Hagan is very animistic in the way he lives, and as a result, he isn't concerned with morality. Those who try and advise him to be more generous are essentially threatening his survival, and so he finds no issue in nurturing his moral decay so long as the trait he refuses to change is one that will help him surpass others in a physical sense.

-Family; Having had no family growing up Hagan doesn't understand the function of one. He feels no need for one, nor does he actively seek one. As far as he's concerned a family would just mean he'd have to work for others, and so would much rather keep to his life as a loner.

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One may think there is little to do when ones single goal is to survive, however that isn't so.
After everything he endured Hagan resolved to make sure it was to never happen again. He began training daily to survive, learning how to hunt and fight to the best of his ability.

Fighting; Hagan has much experience with sparring. Many have been unfortunate enough to venture into his territory and he's learned to be quick in driving out trespassers before they get the chance to accommodate themselves. 

Hunting; Though he learned a little late to hunt with proper technique Hagan is a decent hunter. Since he often masks his scent his nose is a little dull as a result, which makes tracking difficult. However, he's very good at keeping himself unnoticed while catching prey, and often uses his antlers to deceive prey into thinking he is a deer rather than a makoatl. 

Patrolling; Patrolling to find all the best caves and rocks in the territory is important to Hagan incase of emergency, so he will often survey his turf and make sure to mark what is his as to ward off unwanted visitors.

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-Affection; Hagan has a deep fear of developing affection for anyone else. It's an obvious weakness, and something that could brutally damage him both physically and mentally for various reasons. So he makes sure to avoid others as much as he possibly can unless he needs them for his own use.

-Humans; Though his pride would never allow him to admit it humans had sedated him, made him submissive. Granted in the end he dominated them but the memories he has associated with them are too powerful to shake. He will attack if needed, but otherwise prefers to keep out of the humans way.

-Belonephobia; an abnormal fear of sharp pointed objects, especially needles. This fear of his developed in the human laboratories. Forced into submission each time by the use of a syringe he despises how helpless and pathetic he feels when subdued by mere liquids, and as a result hates the syringes he's come to associate with the drugs humans used on him.

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Due to his complex history Hagan has little care other than to survive. Even when his basic needs are satisfied he focuses his time into developing his survival skills further or relaxing and enjoying nature. 
He has no moral or social goals, and strongly intends to keep to never yield to others who try and convince him to go against the few principles he lives by.

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Claws and Build; Hagan's claws are thick and short and hooked for better grip when clambering across wet rocks.His build is heavier than most male makoatl's but not by much. Though his forelegs and neck in particular are more compact.

Intelligent; As I have established Hagan is an extremely intelligent makoatl. How intelligence is a strength is pretty self explanatory, so I don't feel Ill need to adorn this area.

Coat; He has a smooth coat which is adapted for repelling moisture. His fur is short and sleek with a rather oily feel to it. He naturally produces this oil to be more streamlined while swimming, a feature typical to most aquatic mammals.

Paws; When born his pads were extremely hard, and very large. His paws fleshy pads ensure that he has good grip over rocky terrain in particular, and they spread so that he won't sink in any deep mud.

Antlers; His antlers can be both used as a weapon and a tool. Its sharp edges are good for cutting or wedging through soul or tough vegetation and can also serve as a deadly weapon, giving Hagan a great deal of leverage in a fight.

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Antlers; His antlers are heavy and weigh him down, as a result, Hagan tends to keep to the coves or more shallow areas of the beach, and very rarely does he go diving into the greater depths. His antlers also make him lose agility, and often get caught in branches. Because of this he finds hunting in dense forestry more difficult as he has trouble quietly maneuvering through.

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Grinding antlers; Since his antlers are constantly growing Hagan is often found grinding his antlers against rocks to sharpen them or shorten them. Should they grow to be too large they'll prove to be weak and less sturdy, not to mention he may not be able to support his head anymore or they will be continuously getting caught in vegetation to his utmost annoyance.

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One of the reason Hagan so actively avoids the company of others is because he's concerned they may trigger old memories. Certain sounds, certain words, all make the memories come rushing back with incredible fluidity. During the moments he may be experiencing vivid flashbacks Hagan is prone to homicidal tenancies, and will often attack those around him. The taste of blood and his teeth sinking into another beings flesh gives him a sense of dominance and comfort during these moments, and so he has little regret if any about anyone he kills during these moments of lunacy unless they held some purpose to him. 

Hagan often experiences flashbacks, is antisocial and hallucinations. More than once a figure from the past has come to visit him. Villains, cell mates, his mothers corpse have all walked with him as mere figments in the land of the living, torturing him, advising him, and corrupting him.

During more troubled times Hagan can be caught speaking aloud to himself alone, sometimes angry, sometimes hurt, and possibly at times bitter. The hallucinations can come as voices, or can come as tangible figures. Either way, Hagan is the only one who ever seems to see them. 


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