Alec & Kitaij

Warrior of isket are TheWolfsgirl90's creation, you need her premission to make your own!


-Gender: Male
-Species: Warrior of Isket,
-Coat: Black coat with light blue markings
-Eyes: Dark yellow
-Personality: He is a gentleman, always behaves well. He loves to watch the nightsky. But he absolutly hates ravens.


CAW! CAW! He opened his eyes with a start. It was the middle of the night. And searched furiously with his eyes to heaven, and all he saw was the stars and dark clouds. He got down again and fell asleep slowly, thinking of his mother, and what happened to her ...

earlier before he came to Soraya

He could feel the damp grass tickled his nose, and he opened his eyes and looked around. He stood up and yawned wide. He heard something approaching, so he turned around and there stood his mother and smiled at him.
- Good morning my little puppy, "she said
He just looked at her and smiled broadly. Then when he heard another wolf howl and knew it was his friend who called him.
- Can I go play mother? he asked her
-Of course you can, but you must be home before bedtime.
And he ran away with a huge boost to his friend. She was waiting just across the river, he jumped into the water in the shallowest part of the river. They ran and played all day, running and chasing butterflies and other stuff. And now it was getting late, and Alec's friend would start going home. They said goodbye at the river, but in the opposite direction.
When he got home his mother rested, or was in any case, what he thought.
He tried to wake her to say he was home, but she did not woke up.Alec thought she was just very tired so he lay down beside her and fell asleep. The next morning when he woke up early, and his mother had not moved an inch. He pushed her in an attempt to wake her, but could not. He crept closer for warmth, but there was no heat in her. He crept close to her and atoned again. He woke up again, this time by a flapping and croaking sounds. He looked up and saw that the sky was black. There were ravens, everywhere. They approached him and his mother, he stood up to protect his mother. And they attacked again and again. He jumped up against the ravens and tried to beat them down with his paws and he even tried to bite them, which he managed to knock down. They were diving from the sky as torpedoes note to him, one by one they went to attack. And he managed to chase them away, but he was weak, for it had lasted for three days now and he had not had time to eat or drink. He refused to leave his mother's side. But on the fourth day he gave up, he collapsed from exhaustion. He knew how everything rocked, he opened his eyes and noticed that someone carried him. There was another wolf that he had never seen before. He asked who the other wolf was, but got no answer .. He looked at the wolf again and saw the shining armor and realized it was one of the warriors. After a long journey came to an open meadow where there was a beautiful wolf. The warrior left Alec with her and disappeared behind the hill. Alec looked at her and wondered who she was.
Hey dear, my name is Soraya, she said softly.
Where's my mom? Alec asked anxiously
She is in a different place now my friend, "said Soraya
Alec listened to Soraya as she spoke of his mother. Just the mention of her caused a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach, he knew something was wrong but he didn't know what exactly. As the realization that his mother was never coming back washed over him he felt a cold prickle, like the claws of the crows he had fought so hard to chase off, climb up his spine. Only stopping at his neck and spreading into a heat of desperation and sadness. His little nose wrinkled and the first tear ran down his cheek and fell to the paw of his new caretaker. Soraya saw this and nuzzled him kindly, but her warmth would never compare to the comfort and love his mother had given him. And after awhlie she told him that they musst get going.
And when they turned around to proceed Alec saw that there were four other puppies there. Soraya explained to him that they were other puppies who also had lost their parents. He followed close behind Soraya to their new home.

He wakes up again in a croaking sound and this time he flies up and starts to growl. Soraya wonder what is wrong, and Alec look at her a moment, when he says that he hates the ravens, for they killed his mother ...
She said there was no danger, so he moved closer to her and fell asleep

Warrior of isket are TheWolfsgirl90's creation, you need her premission to make your own!


-Gender: Male
-Species: Warrior of Isket,
-Coat: Different shades of brown with black and brown markings
-Eyes: Green

• Protective •
He is very proective around his pack. Would risk his life
to save anyone of them. Can be suspicious to new comers.

• Loyal •
He is very loyal to those that have earned his trust.
He would never turn his back on those in need.

• Proud •
Kitaij is extremely proud. He wouldn't like
to admit when he is wrong about something,and
can therefore seem to be arrogant and ignorant.

• Caring & Loving •
He is a loving boy. Loves to be around the pups
and take care of them and make them happy.

• Quick witted •
Even if he is under alot of pressure he can
still figure out what to do.


A sudden quake woke Kitaij, like a jolt of lightning he rose.
His senses quickly adjusting to his surroundings, it was pitch
black, no moon or stars to grant light to the earth.

Neither his ears, nose och eyes could find anything for Kitaij
to worry about.But his gut told him otherwise, it was on a night
just like this one that the Kronadors had come.
It was on a night such as this that he had lost his earlier
life, and also the same night that he had found a new familiy.

Kitaij turned around to check if Alec had been woken by the
quale aswell. But his adopted older brother snoozed on
peacefully, it seemed like nothing worried him.

"If only I could be at peace like him" Kitaij muttered to himself.

Ofcourse he could not be angry with Alec for this, it was after
all him who had found him. All those years ago, curled up, frightened
and shaking in fear. He and the rest of his pack that had chased away the Kronadors.

After that faithfull day Kitaij vowed to himself that
he would find the strength to avenge his family, with his new
brothers help he knew it would be possible.

Kitaij sighted, why would all these memories come to
haunt him on this particular night? Him and Alec were
so close now, so close to fulfilling Kitaij's vow. They had been
tracking a pack of Kronadors, the same pack that
had killed his parents - whos smell he would never forget.

Out of the night a loud schreech was heard, Kitaij snappade
out his thoughts. Scanning the area once more, his nose got the
scent of Kronadors, it would seem the battle they had
anticipated had come earlier then expected.

He turned to his left to see Alec standing at his
side, just woken but still looking as ready as ever for battle.

"I guess it is time little brother, lets finish what
we set out to do." Alec said softly.

The next second they where upon them...

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